The Steaming Bean
I don't own stock in the
Steaming Bean
But compliment
management on their presence
The varied decor fairly
The cosmopolitan
interests of Durango residents
In the alcove, hanging on the wall
In the alcove, hanging on the wall
Is a high performance
In the men's room, a
painting of a naked woman
Perched atop another
Various paintings adorn the walls
Various paintings adorn the walls
For the most part fairly
Depicting scenes whose
intent is clear
An occasional one
completely incomprehensible
The bean patrons have many different life styles
The bean patrons have many different life styles
And different points of
view are almost always respected
But you're in deep
trouble while you're there
If your dislike of dogs
is somehow detected
Particularly noteworthy
Are Friday night open
mike times
Where I can recite
My somewhat oddball
Well done, cuz. I didn't know you were a poet, although your feet are LONG-FELLOWS!